In a recent statement, OM Digital Solution CEO Shigemi Sugimoto revealed the company’s plans to release a new OM Systems digital mirrorless camera and fast aperture lens soon.
Sugimoto-san published a letter to the OM Digital Solutions site to celebrate the new year and tease upcoming products.
New Year Greeting and Prospects for 2025
In his letter, New Year Greeting and Prospects for 2025, Shigemi Sugimoto acknowledges the company’s fifth year under the OM Systems brand after the 2019 split from Olympus.
He goes on to recognize the impacts of the COVID pandemic on global societies, economies, and the founding company.
2021 was shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic as it changed lives and economies across the globe; creating concern and worry about starting a new company. Whilst transforming into a compact and highly mobile organization, with revamped processes to deliver a profitable business; we also launched our new brand OM SYSTEM. The result has been increases in consolidated revenue and profit for the past three fiscal periods, a trend we expect to continue for the current fiscal period concluding in March.
While seeing such a reflective and honest account of the brand’s early years is terrific, we’re holding our breath about OM Systems’s future product release.
Sugimoto-san outlines the company’s expansion of its focus on services and solutions while pointing out that the brand represents more than just great digital cameras.
The CEO’s comments about an upcoming OM System camera and new lenses have caught the attention of OM System lovers.
Shortly, we plan to add a new camera to our lineup and bright, compact single-focal-length lenses with splash & dust-proof performance. All created to meet the challenges of harsh outdoor environments to ensure that you enjoy not only landscape photography in the great outdoors, but also authentic photos of life every day. Additionally, we are continuing to work hard to bring to market the long-awaited mid-range telephoto zoom lens on our lens roadmap by the end of this year.
While the comments offer little in the way of details, it’s refreshing to see such a positive outlook from the brand’s leadership.
In closing, Sugimoto-san sets the tone for the year ahead.
Bringing joy, inspiration and excitement through our products drives each and every one of us, and we hope your year ahead will be filled with adventure.
Shigemi Sugimoto’s full letter can be viewed here at the OM Digital Solution site.
Stay tuned for further details on the teased products as more information becomes available.
Credit : Source Post